- code:https://github.com/Pranav-chib/End-to-End-Autonomous-Driving
1. Introduction
首先,研究专注于解决误差传播(error propagation),单个任务的学习;
- Neat: Neural attention fields for end-to-end autonomous driving, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021, pp. 15793– 15803.
- Trajectory-guided control prediction for end-to-end autonomous driving: A simple yet strong baseline, in: NeurIPS, 2022.
随后,端到端模型通过设置task-specific outputs,体现了计算上的优势
- auxiliary outputs
- Transfuser: Imitation with transformer-based sensor fusion for autonomous driving, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2022)
- Trajectory-guided control prediction for end-to-end autonomous driving: A simple yet strong baseline, in: NeurIPS, 2022.
- attention maps
- Multi-modal fusion transformer for end-to-end autonomous driving, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2021, pp. 7077–7087
- Policy pre-training for end-to-end autonomous driving via self-supervised geometric modeling, arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.01006 (2023).
- Reasonnet: End-to-end driving with temporal and global reasoning, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023, pp. 13723–13733.
- Scaling selfsupervised end-to-end driving with multi-view attention learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.03198 (2023).
- Plant: Explainable planning transformers via object-level representations, in: CoRL 2022 Workshop on Learning, Perception, and Abstraction for Long-Horizon Planning.
- interpretable maps [18, 19, 8, 20, 12, 21]
- Think twice before driving: Towards scalable decoders for end-to-end autonomous driving, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023, pp. 21983–21994
- St-p3: End-to-end vision-based autonomous driving via spatial-temporal feature learning, in: Computer Vision–ECCV 2022: 17th European Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 23–27, 2022, Proceedings, Part XXXVIII, Springer, 2022, pp. 533–549
- Human-ai shared control via policy dissection, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (2022) 8853–8867.
- Neat: Neural attention fields for end-to-end autonomous driving, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021, pp. 15793– 15803
- auxiliary outputs
- A survey of autonomous driving: Common practices and emerging technologies, IEEE access 8 (2020) 58443–58469.
- A survey on imitation learning techniques for end-to-end autonomous vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (9) (2022) 14128–14147.
- A survey of deep rl and il for autonomous driving policy learning, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (9) (2021) 14043–14065
- A survey of end-to-end driving: Architectures and training methods, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (4) (2020) 1364–1384.
- End-to-end autonomous driving: Challenges and frontiers, arXiv 2306.16927 (2023).