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Autonomous Driving | MP3 A Unified Model to Map Perceive Predict and Plan (Uber ATG 2021)

MP3: A Unified Model to Map, Perceive, Predict and Plan (Uber ATG, 2021)

  • HD map具有的语义和几何信息使其成为自动驾驶系统的关键部件。但HD map的成本很高,难扩展,尤其是厘米级精度(centimeter-level accuracy)的情况下。因此能摆脱HD Map(地图加载失败、地图老旧等)的算法值得研究。本文提出了一种end2end不依赖地图的自动驾驶算法——MP3。
  • 输入为:
    • raw sensor data
    • high-level command (e.g., turn left at the intersection)
  • 本文的定位为:mapless technology 的自动驾驶

1 Introduction

  • 没有HD map的劣势:

    • 感知不能再依赖“人行道上的行人”、“道路上的车辆”这样的先验信息;

    • 进行规划的空间变大了

  • 车辆需要把到达抽象成为路口直行(going straight at an intersection)、左转(turning left)和右转(turning right)等高阶的行为指令。
  • 大多数的无地图方法模仿专家的驾驶行为(朝向角、加速度),但是没有提供可解释的中间表征(intermediate interpretable representations),而这可以帮助解释车辆的决策行为
    • End to end learning for self-driving cars. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.07316, 2016.
    • End-to-end driving via conditional imitation learning. In ICRA, 2018.
    • Urban driving with conditional imitation learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.00177, 2019.
    • Lift, splat, shoot: Encoding images from arbitrary camera rigs by implicitly unprojecting to 3d. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020.
  • 这些方法没有结构信息和先验知识,容易受到分布漂移(distributional shift)的影响
    • A reduction of imitation learning and structured prediction to no-regret online learning. In Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics, pages 627–635, 2011.
  • 一些使用在线地图的方法(获得道路边界、中心线),要么过度简单(假设了车道是平行的,但这只在高速场景适用),要么难以将静态环境的不确定性纳入运动规划,而运动规划对于降低风险至关重要。[2, 16, 18, 21, 37],
    • Deep multi-sensor lane detection. In IROS, pages 3102–3109. IEEE, 2018.
    • 3d-lanenet: End-to-end 3d multiple lane detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 2921–2930, 2019.
    • Gen-lanenet: A generalized and scalable approach for 3d lane detection. arXiv, pages arXiv–2003, 2020.
    • Hierarchical recurrent attention networks for structured online maps. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 3417–3426, 2018.

2.1 Online Mapping:

  • 特点:
    • satellite imagery (卫星图像)
    • gather dense information (采集车多次经过同一地方)
    • human-in-the-loop
  • predicting map elements online:
    • 3d-lanenet: End-to-end 3d multiple lane detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 2921–2930, 2019.
    • Gen-lanenet: A generalized and scalable approach for 3d lane detection. arXiv, pages arXiv–2003, 2020.

2.2 Perception and Prediction

  • 生成轨迹集合 generate a fixed set of trajectories [6, 8–10, 26, 28, 30, 36, 56]
  • 画出样本特征分布 draw samples to characterize the distribution
    • Implicit latent variable model for scene-consistent motion forecasting. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.12036, 2020.
    • R2p2: A reparameterized pushforward policy for diverse, precise generative path forecasting. In ECCV, 2018.
    • Multiple futures prediction. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 15398–15408, 2019.
  • 预测时间占用图 predict temporal occupancy maps
    • Discrete residual flow for probabilistic pedestrian behavior prediction. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.08041, 2019.
    • The garden of forking paths: Towards multi-future trajectory prediction. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 10508–10518, 2020.
    • Scene compliant trajectory forecast with agent-centric spatio-temporal grids. IEEE RA-L, 5(2):2816–2823, 2020.
  • 这些方法由于涉及了非最大抑制(non-maximum suppression)和可信度阈值(confidence thresholding),可能出现不安全的情况
  • occupancy grids:
    • Motionnet: Joint perception and motion prediction for autonomous driving based on bird’s eye view maps. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 11385–11395, 2020.
    • Learning occupancy grid maps with forward sensor models. Autonomous robots, 15(2):111–127, 2003.
    • Perceive, predict, and plan: Safe motion planning through interpretable semantic representations. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020.

2.3 Motion Planning

  • 从感知直接输出控制信号 (Driving policy transfer via modularity and abstraction. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.09364, 2018.)会面临稳定性和鲁棒性的问题(stability and robustness issues)(Exploring the limitations of behavior cloning for autonomous driving. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 9329–9338, 2019.)

3 Interpretable Mapless Driving

MP3 predicts probabilistic scene representations that are leveraged in motion planning as interpretable cost functions

3.1 Extracting Geometric and Semantic Features

  • The result is a 3D tensor of size ,which is the input to our backbone network.
  • This network combines ideas from [9, 53] to extract geometric, semantic and motion information about the scene.

3.2 Interpretable Scene Representations

  • 道路先验信息和一些可解释的知识,使用 online map 表示
  • 动态目标的位置、速度信息,使用 dynamic occupancy field 表示(the dynamic objects position and velocity into the future, captured in our dynamic occupancy field)
Interpretable Scene representations
  • 具体而言,两种表征信息包括:

Online map representation:

  • Drivable area:以道路边缘为界的可行驶区域;
  • Reachable lanes:可用车道是SDV在不违反任何交通规则的情况下可以到达的运动路径的子集。规划轨迹时,我们希望SDV靠近这些可到达的车道,并按照它们的方向行驶。因此,对于地平面中的每个像素,我们预测到最近的可到达车道中心线的无符号距离,在10米处截断,以及最近的可到达车道中心线分段的角度。
  • Intersection:被交通信号等或者交通标志控制的路段,需要根据信号灯或者标志按交通规定行驶;

Dynamic occupancy field:

现有的行为预测算法包括不安全的离散决策unsafe discrete decisions such as confidence thresholding and non-maximum suppression (NMS)

The motion field warps the occupancy over time
  • Initial Occupancy:一个BEV网格单元
  • Temporal Motion Field:a 2D BEV velocity vector (in m/s).
  • Note:车辆、行人和自行车被视为单独的类别,每个类别都有自己的占用流。

Probabilistic Model:

online Map 分为以下几个通道:

  • 可到达区域

  • 路口

  • 到最近车道线的距离。the direction of the closest lane centerline in the reachable lanes as a Von Mises distribution since it has support between .

  • 可到达车道中线的截断距离变换为拉普拉斯算子。We model the truncated distance transform to the reachable lanes centerline ​ as a Laplacian, which we empirically found to yield more accurate results than a Gaussian

建模动态物体的occupancy ,为伯努利随机分布(考虑这些物体未来行为的多模态(直走或左转)和不确定性),用建模基于K个BEV运动向量的行为分类分布

the probability of future occupancy under our probabilistic model, we first define the probability of occupancy flowing from location to location between two consecutive time steps t and t + 1 as follows:

the probability of occupancy flowing

3.3 Motion Planning

设计了一个基于采样的轨迹规划器,其根据运动学灵活的生成多种轨迹,然后使用一个learned scoring function选择轨迹。

3.3.1 Trajectory Sampling

Search-based optimal motion planning for automated driving. In IROS, 2018

  • 根据在专家轨迹数据集中检索专家轨迹,表示当前自车状态,检索出的轨迹有不同的初始速度和朝向。因此使用加速度和转向角来描述轨迹,输入到a bicycle model [38]生成具有连续速度和转向角的轨迹。
    • [38]. The kinematic bicycle model: A consistent model for planning feasible trajectories for autonomous vehicles? In 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pages 812–818. IEEE, 2017.
  • 文献[37]提供了一个忽略自车初始状态的简化的轨迹生成模型。
    • [37]. Lift, splat, shoot: Encoding images from arbitrary camera rigs by implicitly unprojecting to 3d. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020.
3.3.2 Route Prediction
  • 由于无地图驾驶没有车道线follow,本文假设遵循command来行驶,指令, where is a discrete high-level action, and an approximate longitudinal distance to the action(行为的纵向距离)(d经过”rasterize”处理),输入给CoordConv[29]
    • An intriguing failing of convolutional neural networks and the coordconv solution. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 9605–9616, 2018.
3.3.2 Trajectory Scoring
  • Routing and Driving on Roads: 该评分函数鼓励车辆行驶在概率图R中概率高的区域

其中是BEV图中和自车轨迹重合的格子单元(grid-cells that overlap with SDV polygon in trajectory )


  • Safety

  • Comfort


3.4. Learning

两阶段的训练。我们分两个阶段优化我们的驾驶模型。我们首先训练online mapdynamic occupancy fieldrouting。一旦这些被收敛,在第二阶段,我们保持这些部分冻结,并为得分函数的线性组合训练规划器权重。我们发现这种两阶段的培训比端到端的培训更稳定。(We optimize our driving model in two stages. We first train the online map, dynamic occupancy field, and routing. Once these are converged, in a second stage, we keep these parts frozen and train the planner weights for the linear combination of scoring functions. We found this 2-stage training empirically more stable than training end-to-end.)

4. Experimental Evaluation

  • Imitation Learning (IL), where the future positions of the SDV are predicted directly from the scene context features, and is trained using L2 loss.
  • Conditional Imitation Learning (CIL) [11], which is similar to IL but the trajectory is conditioned on the driving command.
    • End-to-end driving via conditional imitation learning. In ICRA, 2018.
  • Neural Motion Planner (NMP) [55], where a planning cost-volume as well as detection and prediction are predicted in a multi-task fashion from the scene context features, and Trajectory Classification (TC) [37], where a cost-volume is predicted similar to NMP, but the trajectory cost is used to create a probability distribution over the trajectories and is trained by optimizing for the likelihood of the expert trajectory.
    • Lift, splat, shoot: Encoding images from arbitrary camera rigs by implicitly unprojecting to 3d. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020.
    • End-to-end interpretable neural motion planner. In CVPR, 2019.
  • Finally, we extend NMP to consider the high-level command by learning a separate costing network for each discrete action (CNMP).
Backbone Network
Mapping Network
Perception and Prediction Network
Routing Network
Sets of trajectories retrieved from the expert demonstrations.


