SMARTS: Scalable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Training School for Autonomous Driving
1 Introduction
自动驾驶仿真的挑战之一是天气问题;绝大部分数据是在好天气(fair weather)下采集的;当前的L4自动驾驶面对复杂的交互情况时。倾向于减速等待,而不是提前主动找办法通过;
Waymo的California2018的自动驾驶事故数据中, 57%是发生了追尾(rear endings),29%是发生了侧面碰撞(sideswipes),并且事故都是由于他车造成的,因此说明过于保守的驾驶策略
多智能体交互的分级标准:“multi-agent learning levels”, or “M-levels“
double merge道路场景(即>--<形道路)是多智能体交互的难点,车辆需考虑是继续走还是等待;在间隙不够大的时候是否需要变道;其他车开到了自车车道上,是否和它交换位置?等
Bootstrapping Realistic Interaction
- physics,
- behavior of road users,
- road structure & regula-tions,
- background traffic flow.
Heterogeneous Agent Computing(异构智能体计算)
Simulation Providers
Interaction Scenarios
Distributed Computing
Key Features:
- 场景:
Observation. The observation is a stack of three consecutive frames, which covers the dynamic objects and key events. For each frame, it contains: 1) relative position of goal; 2) distance to the center of lane; 3) speed; 4) steering; 5) a list of heading errors; 6) at most eight neighboring vehicles’ driving states (relative distance, speed and position); 7) a bird’s-eye view gray-scale image with the agent at the center.
Action. The action used here is a four-dimensional vector of discrete values, for longitudinal control—keep lane and slow down—and lateral control—turn right and turn left.
Reward. The reward is a weighted sum of the reward components shaped according to ego vehicle states, interactions involving surrounding vehicles, and key traffic events. More details can be found in our implementation code.