# Make sure to have the server side running in CoppeliaSim: # in a child script of a CoppeliaSim scene, add following command # to be executed just once, at simulation start: # # simRemoteApi.start(19997) # # then start simulation, and run this program. # # IMPORTANT: for each successful call to simxStart, there # should be a corresponding call to simxFinish at the end!
try: import sim except: print ('--------------------------------------------------------------') print ('"sim.py" could not be imported. This means very probably that') print ('either "sim.py" or the remoteApi library could not be found.') print ('Make sure both are in the same folder as this file,') print ('or appropriately adjust the file "sim.py"') print ('--------------------------------------------------------------') print ('')
import time
print ('Program started') sim.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections clientID=sim.simxStart('',19999,True,True,5000,5) # Connect to CoppeliaSim if clientID!=-1: print ('Connected to remote API server')
# Now try to retrieve data in a blocking fashion (i.e. a service call): res,objs=sim.simxGetObjects(clientID,sim.sim_handle_all,sim.simx_opmode_blocking) if res==sim.simx_return_ok: print ('Number of objects in the scene: ',len(objs)) else: print ('Remote API function call returned with error code: ',res)
# Now retrieve streaming data (i.e. in a non-blocking fashion): startTime=time.time() sim.simxGetIntegerParameter(clientID,sim.sim_intparam_mouse_x,sim.simx_opmode_streaming) # Initialize streaming while time.time()-startTime < 5: returnCode,data=sim.simxGetIntegerParameter(clientID,sim.sim_intparam_mouse_x,sim.simx_opmode_buffer) # Try to retrieve the streamed data if returnCode==sim.simx_return_ok: # After initialization of streaming, it will take a few ms before the first value arrives, so check the return code print ('Mouse position x: ',data) # Mouse position x is actualized when the cursor is over CoppeliaSim's window time.sleep(0.005)
# Now send some data to CoppeliaSim in a non-blocking fashion: sim.simxAddStatusbarMessage(clientID,'Hello CoppeliaSim!',sim.simx_opmode_oneshot)
# Before closing the connection to CoppeliaSim, make sure that the last command sent out had time to arrive. You can guarantee this with (for example): sim.simxGetPingTime(clientID)
# Now close the connection to CoppeliaSim: sim.simxFinish(clientID) else: print ('Failed connecting to remote API server') print ('Program ended')
代码来自于样例程序simpleTest.py (C:Files)
4 功能实现
功能大致是:获取 CoppeliaSim 窗口中鼠标的 x 坐标,并返回到 python