Option Discovery in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning using Spatio-Temporal Clustering
使用动态系统中寻找状态空间中亚稳态区域和抽象状态的思想。We use ideas from dynamical systems to find metastable regions in the state space and associate them with abstract states
These skills are independent of the learning task and can be efficiently reused across a variety of tasks defined over the same model
The core idea of hierarchical reinforcement learning is to break down the reinforcement learning problem into subtasks through a hierarchy of abstractions.
自动发现不同的技能,这是一个小领域。Our focus in this paper is to present our framework on automated discovery of skills
- 定义状态空间中的瓶颈状态,这些状态被划分为集合,两组罕见状态之间的转换会在这种转换的相应点引入瓶颈状态。达到这种瓶颈状态的策略被缓存为选项 (McGovern and Barto 2001).
- 使用因式分解来表示状态空间中存在的结构,识别很少变化的动作序列,并把这些序列作为选项被缓存起来 (Hengst 2004)
- 使用智能体与环境交互的图表征,并使用中间中心性度量来识别子任务
- 使用聚类方法(光谱或其他方法)分离出MDP的不同强关联成分,并识别连接不同聚类的瓶颈 (Menache, Mannor, and Shimkin 2002).
使用SMDP Q-Learning,Intra Option Q-Learning
- 使用PCCA+抽象MDP的state
- 设计一种组合option的方式
- 大状态空间下,不好使用,设计一种聚合的状态空间
Option框架:The option framework is one of the formalisations used to represent hierarchies in RL (Sutton, Precup, and Singh 1999). Formally, an option is a tuple
here: is the initiation set: a set of states from which the action can be activated is a policy function where µ(s, a) represents the preference value given to action a in state s following option O. is the termination function: When an agent enters a state s while following option O, the option could be terminated with a probability .
Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP)
Perron Cluster Analysis (PCCA+)