The cognitive map in humans: spatial navigation and beyond
- 认知地图通过海马中的place cells, grid cells, border cells and head direction cells实现during spatial navigation
spatial coding, landmark anchoring and route planning:
The idea of a cognitive map was originally proposed by Tolman, in an effort to explain navigational behaviors in rodents that could not be logically reduced to associations between specific stimuli and rewarded behavioral responses.
快速切换a roundabout route到直接路径
Grieves, R.M. & Jeffery, K.J. The representation of space in the brain.Behav. Processes 135, 113–131 (2017).这篇文章支持多种细胞共同构建了认知地图:
- grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex, which fire in a regular hexagonal lattice of locations tiling the floor of the environment;
- head direction (HD) cells in several cortical and subcortical structures, which fire on the basis of the orientation of the head in the navigational plane; and
- border cells in entorhinal cortex and boundary cells in subiculum, which fire when the animal is at set distances from navigational boundaries at specific directions.
标定认知地图需要海马、内侧前额叶的参与。导航过程中,可以完全使用路标来进行导航,无需路径集成,这种导航称为landmark-based piloting. Gallistel, C.R. The Organization of Learning (MIT Press, 1990).
基于路标的方法:在途中设计decision points,点之间用欧氏距离实现最短路径
到达同一个目标位置可以有多个路径,这就涉及到了路径规划,与前海马和place cells有关。Wu, X. & Foster, D.J. Hippocampal replay captures the unique topological structure of a novel environment. J. Neurosci. 34, 6459–6469 (2014).
- Simon, D.A. & Daw, N.D. Neural correlates of forward planning in a spatial decision task in humans. J. Neurosci. 31, 5526–5539 (2011).
- Ribas-Fernandes, J.J. et al. A neural signature of hierarchical reinforcement learning. Neuron 71, 370–379 (2011).
- 在空间编码上使用了grid cells
- 地标确定和路径规划上使用了place cells(PPA,Parahippocampal Place Area)