Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning是2019年9月新开的专栏企划,旨在为今后RL的学习提供比较广阔的专业视野,同时贡献于New Idea的产生。
意义:DDPG诞生于2016年的ICRL,作为Deep Q-learning的进阶算法,将Q-learning从离散action space拓展到了连续action space的应用领域,并实现了一个end-to-end ( image to action ) 的决策框架。
难点:DDPG提供了一个以未处理的高维传感信号作输入,解决复杂任务的算法框架。One of the primary goals of the field of artificial intelligence is to solve complex tasks from unprocessed, high-dimensional, sensory input.
DQN的缺点:However, while DQN solves problems with high-dimensional observation spaces, it can only handle discrete and low-dimensional action spaces.
面向的应用场景:Many tasks of interest, most notably physical control tasks, have continuous (real valued) and high dimensional action spaces.
如果想把DQN用在连续的action space中,有一种办法是把action离散化。但是这样会大大增加action的维度,从而带来决策上的困难。例如一个3自由度的机器人,把每个关节角离散为10个角度,那么action space维度就会变为
。在需要精确控制的时候,这个问题会更加严重。(the number of actions increases exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom)。此外,这种粗略的离散化丢失了action的结构信息,可能会影响到问题的求解。 DDPG本质:In this work we present a model-free, off-policy actor-critic algorithm using deep function approximators that can learn policies in high-dimensional, continuous action spaces.
DQN is able to learn value functions using such function approximators in a stable and robust way due to two innovations:
- the network is trained off-policy with samples from a replay buffer to minimize correlations between samples;
- the network is trained with a target Q network to give consistent targets during temporal difference backups
DDPG在实验中用摄像机的画面提取低维信息(例如:cartesian coordinates or joint angles 笛卡尔坐标或者关节角),将其作为observation。using both low-dimensional observations (e.g. joint angles) and directly from pixels.
Here, we assumed the environment is fully-observed so
. replay buffer + soft updates
DDPG algorithm
Randomly initialize critic network
and actor with weights and Initialize target network
and with weights , Initialize replay buffer
For , do ---- Initialize a random process
for action exploration ---- Receive initial observation state ---- For
do ---- ---- Select action
according to the current policy and exploration noise ---- ---- Execute action at and observe reward
and observe new state ---- ---- Store transition
in ---- ---- Sample a random minibatch of
transitions from ---- ---- Set
---- ---- Update critic by minimizing the loss:
---- ---- Update the actor policy using the sampled policy gradient:
---- ---- ----
---- ---- Update the target networks:
---- ---- ----
, ---- ---- ----
---- end For
end For